1st stage CO2023
2nd stage CO2023
3th stage CO2023
4th stage CO2023
5th stage CO2023
1st stage CO2023
2nd stage CO2023
3th stage CO2023
4th stage CO2023
5th stage CO2023
Event: Croatia Open 2023 - info
Organizer: OK Ris Delnice
Date: July 31st- August, 5st 2023
Place: Delnice (Japlenški vrh), Omišalj (beach ex. Hotel Učka), Delnice (Petehovc)
Location of the gathering place of the competitors:
• 1st stage (GPS 45.39568186557267, 14.79497010543252) - Pansion Lovački dom - parking is not provided - park in public parking lots in the city.
• 2nd stage (GPS 45.21169416379589, 14.551106300716807) - Beach Bar LightHause (Beach ex. Hotel Učka) - parking is not provided - park in public parking lots in the city.
• 3rd stage (GPS 45.39568186557267, 14.79497010543252) - Pansion Lovački dom - parking is not provided - park in public parking lots in the city.
• 4th stage (GPS 45.38041022102009, 14.819735704487874) - Planinski centar Petehovac - parking is not provided - park in available places.
• 5th stage (GPS 45.38041022102009, 14.819735704487874) - Planinski centar Petehovac - parking is not provided - park in available places.
Event director: Ivica Urbanc, mag. cin, phone: +385 98 1718376
• July 31st, 2023 – 1st stage (middle distance), first start 15:00, Course planning: Tihomir Salopek.
• August 1st, 2023 – 2nd stage (sprint), first start 17:00, Course planning: Zoltán Rácz.
• August 2nd 2023 – free day.
• August 3th, 2023 – 3rd stage (sprint), first start 9:00, Course planning: Tihomir Salopek.
• August 4th, 2023 – 4th stage (short-long distance), first start 9:00, Course planning: András Kersity.
• August 5th, 2023 – 5th stage (middle distance), first start 09:00, Course planning: Zoltán Rácz.
Start list: Will be placed the finish area and in the start area.
Punching: Sport Ident system. SI cards can be rented at a price of 2€ per stage. Youcase of SI-station failure you need to perform manual punching on the map. The place for manual punches is marked on the bottom of the each map. Miss punching results in disqualification.
Start procedure: Every competitor is responsible to „clear“ his SI card before entering the start corridors. Clear stations will be placed in start corridors. When your start time is shown on entry clock you need to enter into corridor where your SI card and start number is going to be checked. Punch clear station with SI card. In next minute you are entering for check station. In the next minute you enter the control station. In the last minute, you should stand near your category card and wait for the beep that determines the start time. Be sure to check that you have taken the correct ticket - it is your responsibility! In the last minute you should stand near your category map and wait for sound signal which defines start time. It is forbidden to turn over and look at maps before start signal!!
Distance to the start:
- 1st stage: 0,9 km
- 2nd stage:1,8 km
- 3rd stage: 0,4 km
- 4th stage: 1,5 km
- 5th stage: 1,1 km
Control descriptions: will be printed on maps. Please print out additional control descriptions before coming to the competition. Link: CO2023 Control descriptions – print file
First aid: Will be provided in the finish area on all stages (Code of Dr. Mladen).
Clothing: There are no restrictions, but we recommend that your clothing covers your entire body with the exception of head and arms.
Official transport: Will not be provided this year!
Footwear: Restrictions only for stage 2 (city sprint) – spike shoes forbidden – normal running shoes are recommended! Stage 3 (forest sprint) – spike shoes - OK! For all other stages there are no restrictions.
Transport towards the start: By foot for all stages.
Clothing transport from start to finish: Will be provided.
Toilets: In the finish area (no toilets on start!).
Trash: Please dispose trash into trash cans. Stages will be organized in areas where special care about nature is required (strict nature reserve and old town Omišalj) so take care of the environment – thank you!
Food: According to your own choice. Stages Delnice: we recommend restaurant of the Lovački dom near finish area Japlenški vrh and restaurant of the Petehovac near finish area Petehovac , Stages Omišalj: restaurant Pipo and Konoba Mulić.
Club tents: It is allowed for teams to make club tents in the finish area. Organizer is not taking any responsibility for your tent during event.
Shadowing: accompanying competitors is allowed ONLY for Beginners, M10, W10, OPEN SHORT and OPEN LONG.
Dogs: Dogs must be always on a leash.
Insects: In Croatian forests you can run across ticks, wasps and mosquitoes. We recommend you use insect repellent lotion or spray.
Foto and video: The organizer reserves the right to publish photos and videos from the competition for promotional and marketing purposes.
NOTE: When coming to the competition for the first time, you must report to the organizer in the finish area, so that we can check your registration status. Any possible changes to the SI-chip numbers or changes of another kind must be agreed with the organizer before the start.
Insurance: All participants at Croatia Open 2023 take part at their own risk. We recommend you to have travel insurance.
Gorski kotar – planinska regija Hrvatske
Cave "Lokvarka" |
Raft "Čača" in Lokvarsko jezero |
![]() |
National park Risnjak |
River Kupa |
It assists Club members in quality development in order to worthily represent the club on sports and a personal level. In the area of Gorski kotar, club members organized the 1998 European military and 1999 World military orienteering championship and 2010 World radio goniometry championship.
Taking into account the regional competition Alpe Adria Cup in 2004 it may be concluded that the specific areas covered by green karst and proximity to coastal resorts are a winning combination that every year attracts a growing number of fans of this sport.
Orijentacijski sport - suvremeni oblik aktivnog odmora
Tranzitivni oblik različitih načina kretanja čovjeka u prirodi je temelj za nastanak većine sportskih aktivnosti. Orijentacijski sport je vrlo zanimljiv individualni sport koji omogućava svim zainteresiranima da osim fizičke kondicije usavrše svoje znanje iz područja čitanja i primjene karte, te upotrebe kompasa.
Orijentacijski sport zahtijeva sudjelovanje, a ne promatranje, što ga čini atraktivnim i prihvatljivim, kako sportašima tako i rekreativcima. Okružje za bavljenjem ovim sportom su široki netaknuti šumski prostori, te, posljednjih godina, urbana područja u kojima se organiziraju sprint utrke koje osim svoje atraktivnosti imaju i vrlo važnu promidžbenu ulogu.
The form of human movement in nature is the basis for the development of most outdoor sports activities. Orienteering sport is a very interesting individual sport that allows all participants not only to improve their physical performance but also to improve their map reading and compass skills. It is not a sport for passive bystanders because its attractiveness and acceptability is achieved through involvement. Orienteering mostly takes place on vast untouched wooded areas, and, over recent years, urban areas where sprint races are organized, which besides their attractiveness also have a promotional character.